Repair Tennis Courts
Repair of tennis cracks and mud tennis courts MQ Tennis ®Fabrics
The most common problem with tennis is cracking. Cracking caused, in part by the natural tendency of asphalt, cement concrete shrink due to weather, longevity. In addition, asphalt loses its versatility and becomes brighter over time. Outdoor tennis courts exposed to temperature elasticity, cracking is unavoidable almost without exception. Quality design and construction can minimize or delay cracking but it can not completely eliminate it. Once the cracks appear, it may be impossible to repair the cause, but it is not impossible to repair the cracks with the MQ Tennis®Fabrics system that we place at our own maker. Climate of Vietnam. The MQ Tennis®Fabrics uses a knitted fabric that will expand as the cracks expand. The trick to making this...
Coating 2 layers for tennis court surface DecoTurf USA
When you need to repaint because the yard has been tarnished, the yard is worn, or you want to change the color to attract new guests, the amount of coating 2 layers of DecoTurf or Plexipave will be the appropriate choice.
Coating 3 layers for tennis court surface DecoTurf USA
When the yard is cracked, pile on 2mm. After the process is completed, the surface repaint process with 3 layers of coating is selected in this case. This system is most commonly used for pitches of more than 10 years. Please contact us for advice, whether you are tennis clubs, corporations, individuals ... Our company always offers the best quality measures to match business time or the life of the court.
Coating 4 layers for tennis court surface DecoTurf USA
Four-layer system DecoTurf or Plexipave applied to the damaged surface from black paint or waterproof layer. Moreover, if your yard has collapsed on a large area. This system is suitable and also gives the pitch a standard thickness of 1.5mm. Benchmarking to produce the most accurate pitch.
Coating 5 layers for tennis court surface DecoTurf USA
When the tennis court is damaged from plastic, the 5 layers of coating is perfectly suited for repainting, making the pitch accurately with the number of layers and preventing the aging of the asphalt concrete.