Repair of tennis cracks and mud tennis courts MQ Tennis ®Fabrics
The most common problem with tennis is cracking. Cracking caused, in part by the natural tendency of asphalt, cement concrete shrink due to weather, longevity.
In addition, asphalt loses its versatility and becomes brighter over time. Outdoor tennis courts exposed to temperature elasticity, cracking is unavoidable almost without exception. Quality design and construction can minimize or delay cracking but it can not completely eliminate it. Once the cracks appear, it may be impossible to repair the cause, but it is not impossible to repair the cracks with the MQ Tennis®Fabrics system that we place at our own maker. Climate of Vietnam. The MQ Tennis®Fabrics uses a knitted fabric that will expand as the cracks expand. The trick to making this repair work is how it is intentionally not bonded to the yard in the vicinity of the cracks, thus allowing more fabric to absorb any movement or development of the The crack is not torn from the surface.
Thus, the reason why the MQ Tennis®Fabrics system works well is that it effectively spreads the stress of the cracks on a wide area of the fabric extension. Another repair of the brand name "system" do not do this. Although your tennis court is technically cracked, full cracks are hidden beneath our repairs and then completely covered with the highest level of tennis paint. DecoTurf - Plexipave. After the yard has been repaired, depending on the condition of the yard, we repaint the yard with the appropriate paint to create the correct shade.